Tutorial #8
Friends let’s start this tutorial
from one of the basic technique that we haven’t discussed
till now , the technique of taking data values
from the user to process & writing data to the file
at any drive of our
So here it goes
Inputing data from the user or reading & writing in
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
//creating a text file
public class FileInput {
static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
//attach a keyboard to data
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(System.in);
//attach file to file output
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("d:\\myfile.txt",true);
//read data from
DataInputStream & write into FileOutputStream;
char ch;
System.out.println("enter data with '@' at
the end");
while((ch =(char)dis.read())!='@')
** Static Member (static method & static variable) in
The main advantage of static members
is that it can be called without
instantiating the
corresponding class (i.e=> without creating
objects for that class).
The common way of declaring static
members (static method & static variable) is given
static int count; //static
static int max(int x ,
it z); //static
The variable that are declared static is
associated with the class itself, so it is changed by
any object also affect its value in other
Restriction imposed on static method-
can only call other static method;
can only access static data;
can-not refer to this or super in any way;
E.g=> example
explaining the concept of static method
& static data properly.
** Nesting of method
A method can be called by its using
only its name by another method of the same class.
This is known as nesting of methods.
E.g=> explaning
properly about this concept(program 8.5)
** Defining subclass
A subclass is a class that usually
inherits (or takes propertoies ) from some other
prebuild class called as parent
class (or superclass);
class subclassname
extends superclassname
Variable declaration;
The keyword extends signifies that the
properties of the superclassname are extended to
the superclassname.
Note:- the constructor in the derived
class uses super keyword to pass the
value to its
E.g=> program showing
single inheritance; (program 8.6) beauty
** Features of subclass constructor
Keyword super is used
to subject the following condition-
· Super
may only be used within a subclass constructor method
· The
call to superclass constructor must appear as the first statement within the
· The
parameter in the super() method for
passing parameter to a subclass;
** overriding method
Defining a method in the subclass
with same name & argument as being declared in the
superclass is called as method
overriding. When that method is called , the method
defined in the subclass is called
instead of super class & hence it overrides the
superclass declared method..:)
** Final variable & method
All the methods can be overridden by
default in subclass, if we don’t want to allow the
subclass to override the
member of the superclass we can declare them using “final”
E.g=> final int
length = 98;
final void pension()
----- function body------
Final Class
It is the class that can-not be
subclassed . This is also being achieved by using the
keyword “final”.
final class reaction {------ }
final class action extends reaction
So from the above example it is
clear that a final class can act as subclass but it will
never act as
** Finalizer
This concept is just the opposite of
initialization. As we know that java has automatic
runtime garbage collector
that automatically frees the memory as soon as the program
finishese execution.
But object may holds other non-object resources that is being freed
finalize() method like file descriptor or window system fonts.
This is similar to destructor method
in C++;
Here is the link to download .java file of the example program given in this tutorial
named as FileInput.java.
Just you need to download this file and place it on src of myEclipse & it will get
ready to run..:)
Here is the link to download .java file of the example program given in this tutorial
named as FileInput.java.
Just you need to download this file and place it on src of myEclipse & it will get
ready to run..:)
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